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New hurricane special on WFOR


WFOR is getting out a new Hurricane Special 2004. This one is taking a look at “new hurricane research and the lessons from Charley”. It airs tomorrow on UPN33 at 5pm and Sunday on CBS4 at noon.

CBS4 PR release
WFOR/WBFS Hurricane Special 2004


Aug 26, 2004 6:16 pm US/Eastern
August 25, 2004 For Immediate Release


Miami, FL — It’s a time-honored tradition, and WBFS/UPN33 is proud to support the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s 39th annual Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon. This is the third year the telethon will be broadcast on UPN33.

The telethon will air for 211/2 hours beginning at 9 p.m., Sunday, September 5, and continue until it signs off on Monday, September 6, at 6 p.m. It will originate from CBS Television City in Hollywood, California with local cut-ins several times each hour from MDA’s South Florida phone bank. The broadcast raises funds for and awareness of MDA’s research programs and services benefiting people with any of more than 40 neuromuscular diseases.

In an effort to increase local awareness about the event, several news anchors and reporters representing UPN33 and sister station WFOR/CBS4 will take part in an effort to encourage local viewers to lend their support. Jennifer Santiago, Susan Barnett, Angela Rae, Craig Setzer, Jill Martin, Robb Hanrahan, Jim Berry, and Jawan Strader are scheduled to participate.

For more information on MDA, visit www.mdausa.org/telethon.

WFOR/CBS4/Miami, along with WBFS/ UPN 33/Miami and WTVX/TVX 34/West Palm Beach are part of the Viacom Television Stations Group which consists of 20 CBS, 18 UPN and one independent television stations reaching the 13 of the top 15 television markets in the United States. The Group includes duopolies in eight major markets, with both CBS and UPN owned network stations in San Francisco, Philadelphia, Boston, Dallas, Detroit, Miami and Pittsburgh, as well as a CBS owned network station coupled with an independent station in Los Angeles.

Press contact: Lee Zimmerman, Director of Communications,
Phone: (305) 639-4426
e-mail: zimmerl@wfor.cbs.com

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Mayors debate on TVJ


WTVJ is hosting mayoral debate for the 6 leading Miami-Dade candidates this Saturday at 8am. The debate will be moderated by Michael Williams.
Think anyone would tune in?

Miami-Dade mayoral debate is Saturday

Miami-Dade mayoral debate is Saturday

Posted August 27 2004

Six of the leading candidates for mayor of Miami-Dade County will participate in a debate to be televised at 8 a.m. Saturday on WTVJ-Ch. 6.

Carlos Alvarez, Jose Cancela, Miguel Diaz de la Portilla, Maurice Ferre, Jay Love and Jimmy Morales will take questions from NBC 6 political reporter Nick Bogert and David Ca’zares, Miami Bureau Chief for the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.



The debate will be moderated by NBC 6 anchor Michael Williams.

New gal on 10


Neki Mohan has debuted on 10. Saw her tonight on the 11 doing a report on mosquito bites. Her boyfriend is coming to UPN33 sometimes in September

News directors who blog


News director of WMC-TV NBC5 Memphis talks about her blog with Terry Heaton from DonataCom
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10 Questions for Peggy Phillip

Repeat after me


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Some people seem to think I work for whichever local TV station and keep sending emails telling me about their smelly feet, lost dogs and general disdain with local government or whatever. I’ve said it before I will say it again, I do not work for any local TV station, the local stations have no connection with me whatsoever and do not endorse what I say, I am not involved in the TV business, I’m not a journalist, never have been and don’t aspire to be one. This site is what it is – a place to show off local stations’ on air presence in terms of graphics, mixed in with news about them and the occasional rant from myself.