They just ran a promo pitching them as “all the news in 30 minutes”. I found it interesting that they’ve shot the promo with the steady cam while for example Julia Yarbough walks towards it giving her lines out, then Martha Sugalski on the set, then weather guy sports and final shot of Julia and Martha on the desk in a very upclose shot.
Quality-wise no eyecandy in terms of graphics and it looks a bit cheap and amateurish, but overall they’ve tried to make it edgier and fast paced having on-air talent pop-up suddenly. Maybe it’s the lighting but the overall quality feels like it was shot with a store bought camera.
They also just ran an “Organize before the storm” promo and the text graphic was made with the same font WSVN uses for their main graphics
I’ll try to get some screen caps and video if I manage to catch it on the DVR
Update: here’s the video. Now that I watched it with sound I find it better than seeing it with the mute ON 🙂
WMV format – 5.04MB – 640×360 HD source – download video link
The WTVJ set looks better with the WB Graphics on it.
Also, in the shot of Martha and Julia tight at the desk towards the end, the shadow on Martha’s face is unacceptably bad.
I absolutely agree that the set looks better with the WB gfx. I’ve also noticed that that promo uses the channel 7 font… idiots.
I noticed those new promos too… I think they are pretty good I mean they didn’t have many promos at all in the past but the ones they did, were pretty simple, and basically showed clips of actual news stories. I think its good to have a promo of the people on the set, because they can keep using that. If they show news stories, they can’t really use it for that long.
Anyway, I also agree that the set looks a lot nicer with wb39 on it. I’m excited though to see what NBC plans to do to it soon 😀
DOes Martha look that good? She’s hot!
Actually, WB39 has been using that font for quite a while before WSVN picked it up…WSVN has a history of taking liberties with other station’s graphics, like old WAMI’s end graphics and using them for their own news bullet-points.
mmm we’re talking about Quick Express font right? 7 has been using it since late 2000 when the first all red and chrome promos began to crop up. Haven’t seen that font on WB39 untill the other day, not that I watch the channel a lot.
Can’t comment on the WAMI graphics, have to see to compare but WAMI was the lamest channel on the airwaves, there was nothing worth to even borrow from them in terms of graphics. And if it was borrowed by WSVN it was probably something done by a producer – Vilma Ramos and their former design director can churn out some pretty creative stuff they don’t need to copy a lame station like WAMI. Unless you’re talking about something recent.
WSVN on the other hand gets copied quite obviously by other stations – the stadium lights behind the talent in promos used by WPLG and UPN33 being one thing. And of course the whizbang graphics thing everyone has adopted
I saw the news promo its actually really good. Gets down to the point. Even through it they didn’t put really any graphics in it its Plain and Sweet. I have to say one of the best promos on right now.