Home Miami TV CW News at 10 to End Soon

CW News at 10 to End Soon


Say goodbye to the CWSFL News at 10. CW didn’t want NBC6 to continue doing their 10pm news, so August 31st will be the last newscast. Ratings sucked anyway but it still beat the “My33 News at 10.” The weekday producer of the CW newscast is a former intern with no other news experience. He is now the 6pm producer for NBC.  The 6pm producer has been moved to the 11am slot. It is still unknown if other people will be moved or laid off since many people work under CW employment deals.

Update: So i looked at my DirectTV guide today. I hope you love Raymond! “Everybody Loves Raymond” is now in the 10PM slot, weeknights on WSFL.

Update: So tonight is the last night.  Catch Joel and the gang, tonight at 10 for the last time on the CW.


  1. It’s sad to see a newscast go under because so many people work hard, both behind the camera and in front of it. Another sign of the times, I suppose. I wonder if this happened because of NBC 6’s sale. I wonder what WSFL will air in its place. I have to admit, putting a former intern with no experience in charge of a newscast wasn’t exactly the smartest idea.

  2. The fact that the producer you write about is a former intern really has no bearing on his abilities. He started as an intern, was then hired as a Associate Producer and ultimately moved up to Producer. It’s a natural career progression. Big deal.

  3. I can tell you, as someone who works at NBC, the person you are talking about is a smart person and could be capable of this new job. The problem is, he has been trained by typical NBC6 managers who teach young andup and coming producers to be nasty, and disrepectful to production people as well as unwilling to learn. I have watched this boy speak down to people who have been in the business for years. He needs to change his attitude. If he does, he will be much more successful. He also panics during breaking news in the booth and it drives everyone crazt. But he is really no different from any other NBC6 executive producer or producer. Being hated by everyone you work with becasue you are a total schmuck is not a good thing. But, you have to admit, a 21 or 22 year old person probably shouldn’t be the producer of a 6pm newscast in Miami since people need some experience and some understanding about life first.

  4. The news numbers on WSFL were terrible until they won the rights to the CW, which took away the more popular UPN programs from 33. They did better, and numbers dropped at 33. The show was always a re-tread of what NBC6 had done, one sad little half hour on a station with no news commitment (but which is owned by one of the biggest newspaper companies in the nation) and will not be missed. Of course, I’m sure the morning show now slipped until 2009 will more than take its place.

    And Ash, the way you feel about our colleagues in Miramar, I wonder why you stay. “Teach people to be nasty and disrespectful…”? I must have missed those classes.

  5. Maybe you did, but the fact of the matter is – the managers tend to not do anything to teach young and up and coming people to respect the experience that other people have, It’s their way or the highway

  6. Good for Sam Zell for dumping this piece of s**t. Even if I lived in Miami, I wouldn’t give NBC6 the pleasure of watching some 20-something with an attitude throw something together.


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