Home Miami TV SunSentinel’s Visit With Local TV Meteorologists

SunSentinel’s Visit With Local TV Meteorologists


The Sun Sentinel paid a visit to the local TV meteorologists for a behind the scenes look at their jobs and get their take on working during hurricane season

Picture slideshow meteorologists behind the scenes

WPLG’s Trent Aric emphasises their no-hype approach

WSVN’s Phil Pherro: “We’d rather err on the side of too much warning, than not enough”

WFOR’s David Bernard: Recalls WFOR during Wilma

WTVJ’s Paul Deanno

WTVJ’s Jennifer Gray explains working 12hr during hurricanes

WPTV’s chief meteorologist Steve Weagle


  1. Yes, she does, but why is she featured in the first place? Paul Deanno’s the chief met. And why is Steve Weagle from WPB’s Channel 5 in there as well? Not-so-subtle plug for the Sentinel’s partners? I’m not sure, but was everybody mentioned even here for Wilma?


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