WSVN went live with their new website the other day, and already there’s a new feature added to it. Free RadarScope, one of the most popular premium weather apps out there for weather geeks.
On iOS and Android RadarScope costs $9.99 but if you go to you can get the full, or near full version, for free complete with all 48 radar options, expert mode, TDWRs, and weather warnings which you can enable by clicking on the little “i” icon on the bottom left.
Wow, the best got better. Glad to see they are not resting on their rating laurels. Now if they can just get their weekend weather woman, Karlene, to properly and accurately pronounce the name of our fair city, Key WesTTTT. She keeps saying Key Wesssssss dropping the T for some reason. Butchering our name not cool.
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