Sources tell SFLTV that WPLG anchor/reporter Jen Herrera and meteorologist Roland Steadham are on their way out! Allegedly, the station has decided not to renew Herrera’s contract, and Steadham got replaced by recent hire Jennifer Correa after just a year at WPLG, he joined Local 10 in August 2013.
One source told us “It feels like no one is safe” with Herrera getting bounced after eleven years at the station. She joined Local 10 in May 2003 as a reporter but it was her internship at WPLG when she was 18 years old that got her excited about a career in the news business. She’s also a South Florida native and a graduate from Florida State University.
We should note that Herrera’s former co-anchor partner Jason Martinez left Local 10 the same way. First they moved him from the morning desk to reporter then eventually he faded out.
WPLG Local 10 management has been on a roll lately as they look to improve ratings even though in 2013 WPLG brought in a little over $71 million dollars in revenue, second only to WSVN if you don’t consider WTVJ and WSCV together.
The wrong people are being let go.
The need to get rid of that horrible weather person, Betty Davis! What were they thinking in hiring her .
All they care about is …
betty davis is the pits? is she the “arm pits?”
Betty Davis is excellent and had 5years experience on the Weather Channel before coming to Channel 10. What are you thinking? She is an expert.
I wish Betty Davis and Clay Ferraro were gone. Both are unbearable to watch. Put Trent back as chief weatherman. And how is it that MJ Acosta is still on the air? Whatever they do just keep Jacey, Janine and Julie.
Jacey Birch is the most annoying news anchor…I can no longer watch channel 10 in the mornings…
so true…They all speak very fast as if they are speaking spanish. Julie Dura and Jacey especially. I don’t like watching WPLG in the mornings because of this. SLOW DOWN YOUR SPEECH people. Take a page out of Calvin and Betty’s book. Thanks
So agree… Jacey Birch looks like a clown; when will she ever learn how to apply makeup and why does she wear preteen dresses that are shockingly short?
Wow I thought that Jan did a good job as a anchor in her time slot. Roland did a decent job with the weather. Betty Davis does a horrible job with her presentation of the weather. Julia with the weather in the morning is another mistake, Her voice and the pace of delivery is irritating. I saw the new girl do the weather and was not impressed., Trent is still the best weather person that they have on staff but I expect him to be gone when his contract is up.. Then they can have a all female weather team.
so you let go of seasoned weather person roland; if anything he should have been moved up the food chain…betty davis is awful, roland is really the best person for their prime time
jen herrara will get a job easily at one of the other stations; i bet all 3 will giver her an offer
meanwhile we have constance jones who looks like she just came from the night club and that awful mj acosta…that place is a cesspool
jacey birch getting an anchor is a good move but just like the dolphins; they will make a mess of that too; just watch
Maybe he left on his own terms; good for him:
KBOI, the Sinclair Broadcasting Group’s CBS affiliate in Boise, Idaho (DMA 110), has added meteorologist Roland Steadham to its news team. He will start as chief meteorologist on Sept. 15.
Steadham, who has more than 25 years of forecasting and storm tracking experience, currently works at WPLG Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Prior to that, he spent 13 years as the chief meteorologist at KTVX Salt Lake City and a rival station, KUTV.
Steadham attended BYU and University of Utah, and has the AMS and NWA seals of approval
If WPLG gets rid of Jacey Birch M J Acosta
Kristi Krueger and Trent Eric I’m through
with them I’ll switch to channel 4 cuz they’re
the best ones on there. They need to get rid
of Julie Durda her voice is annoying. And she
thinks she hot stuff and she’s not.
Betty Davis and the ratings don’t lie they are great. Stop the hate and comparing her and Trent. Jen Herrera was a boring news anchor. Management loves Betty and majority of the viewers like her too. She is classy, great personality and does not have to have the big boobs. She is different and most of the comments against her is racist and feminist. Most of you on here does not like a black woman giving you the forecast. It’s sad to read the comments on here. Roland had his time at WTVJ as main weather guy. He was good with Neki and Todd. I’m glad Ch.10 has added more diversity to their news team. U look at Ch.4,6,7 they are not promoting or bringing in diversity that reflects our community.
I agree. Well said.
I couldn’t agree more. Betty Davis is doing a great job. Julia Durda is only there for Show……
Finally, a thoughtful rational appraisal of Betty’s work. Billy Jean, Tim, and Jp, you guys are spot on. Her credentials speak for themselves. By most accounts, Betty is well respected as a competent professional, we should be glad she chose to serve our community. I don’t give into the male/female, boobs issues, just the quality of work. She is excellent!!! One comment: This morning I read Betty’s bio on WPLG’s staff link. It was, well let’s just say it needs work. I strongly encourage WPLG to review her bio. It was not very well written. WPLG can do MUCH better.
When they hired Jennifer Correa, I knew that made 5 weather people at PLG, and with only 4 slots, I knew someone had to go. I figured it would be Trent. Oh well, best of luck to Roland in his new gig. Jen leaving is kind of a surprise, I dunno, she’s been there 11 years, maybe familiarity breeds contempt? I agree with the poster that said she will probably hook up with one of the other local stations (after sitting out her non-compete). There’s always the chance of her going to a station out of town, but I think her husband is a firefighter (dunno what agency, I assume one in Broward or Dade), and he probably would not want to relocate.
Wow…Jenn was a little too stuck up and up tight in the mornings but I have to say that I thought she was better reporting outside… oh well. I thought Jason was moving back to California to be with his children. I did see him reporting until he vanished but I didn’t realize that’s how news people disappear from the camera.
I liked Roland…maybe he was too hungry and ate too much on Saturday and Sunday!! He was great and had a great personality and interacted with the anchors in a great way. I would certainly like to see and hear him more than Julie Durda. I cannot stand her… she may be nice for the guys to look at and wake up to but as far as reporting the weather or trying to be funny with her dorky comments and antics are just stupid. She talks lie she has marbles in her mouth. I won’t even mention her less than professional attire on air…but that seems to be the status quo on the morning show and the ladies…Constance included and Jacey Birch following suit pretty fast. Constance couldn’t even bend over comfortably today. There is other material besides lycra. At least Jaceys’ not so giggly in the morning and pretending she has an interest in sports like she did on the weekends.
The new weather girl Jennifer Correra…. well so far not so good….very green and inexperienced…it really shows. Her reports seem to be a struggle and very uncomfortable to watch.
Janine Stanwood and Victor Oquendo were/are great as Anchors when filling in for Calvin and Laurie as well as reporters…hope they stay… and that Clay Ferrero….not a sports fanatic thank goodness cause he’s hard to listen to.
Haven’t seen MJ Acosta in awhile which is fine by me….I think there’s more house cleaning that needs to be done to improve things. And just because someone has been there long term doesn’t mean they’re not replaceable…that’s the problem…too many have been in places for too long and need replacement…just like politicians….they get complacent.
Hey..Chao Chao is a WSVN Belky’s Nurey term!! 😉
yep, that’s who I borrowed chao chao from 🙂
You should do your homework. Sorry but “Chao” is a species from the “Sonic the Hedgehog” series. Belkey is saying “goodbye” which is spelled “Ciao Ciao”. I learned to hard way too! :-).
Drat, I knew something didn’t look right. I guess using Latin alphabet to chat with friends and family instead of Cyrillic rubs off on me the wrong way lol.
Have to agree…I knew what you were saying…guess that’s when the brain works faster than the brain cells!! That is unless Belkys’ is really addressing Sonic the Hedgehog since we have not seen the way she spells it…lol !! Thank you Insiderplus.
I totally agree with everything you said. Especially about that Constancy Jones it’s like she doing an America’s Next Top Model gig. I thought Local 10 was a bit better than that with the boobs on display and the higher than high hemlines (very distracting). That’s why I stopped looking at channel 7. Come on Local 10 you can do better than that. There are a lot of great reporters/anchors out there who are pleasant to the eye and can deliver the news without looking like they’re ready for the King of Diamonds nightclub. Oh and by the way, if I see that M J swallow one more time I’m going to ????????
These professional women should be ashamed of themselves. Professional attire can be attractive and sexy without showing breast and butt…sometimes I wonder “what is going through the minds of these women when they dress for work in the mornings”…I don’t see the men exposing themselves like that…are these professional women so shallow that they believe prostituting themselves on the screen is going to keep their jobs…are we as a society so shallow that this may actually be true?
And Jacey Birch..please stop the constant giggling and sharing of every details of your life…I just like hearing the news..I miss Jen Herrara channel 10 can no longer be my morning favorite.
Good luck jen I’m sure you will many more exciting opportunities Now just looking at the 12 o’clock news they have the new weather hire omfg when you thought it could not get any worse she has absolutely no tv presence sounds like she needs oxygen might be a good person but no way tv news material the problem with channel 10 now is they are hiring on the cheap and the talent evaluators at 10 ? There is none stop trying to copy ch 7 never will happen
I predicted this months ago since she is so impersonal with an elite air about her not to mention her voice fluctuations sometimes were so phony. She evolved into an unlikeable person on her own because I remember years ago when like a lot of people thought she was nice. Uppidy is not an attactive trait. Roland will always land on his feet.
The philosophy at WPLG appears to be to hire green, inexperienced, cub reporters that come cheaply to staff the news department. My mute button is on most of the time these days and I’m finding myself switching to other stations to see what they’re doing. Much of the “news” that 10 puts on the air is of no news value to me.
Most of the weather girls and the traffic “reporters look like they stopped off on the way home from the club’s. Don’t they look to see what their outfits look like on screen? Not professional.
Jen – liked her. Wish her her the best
Roland – Meh.. Not memorable at all. Cookie cutter weatherman. Wish you the best.
Betty – Like her …as most of the viewing base. Funny….no one had sh*t to say when she was on weekends. Hmm…
Neki – I’d like to see her on the 4/4:30
Janine – solid
Victor – green. Still needs to grow into his role a bit.
Calvin/Lori – A good combo in my book.
New weather girl – have not seen her but she has @ 5 yrs experience? Give her time
Trent – good presentation but he screwed the pooch.
Sports team – seems fine to me
Miss Jason Martinez…. Meh on Eric Yutz
JC – She is good…but not my cup o’ tea.
Both we’re put in a position to fail. Roland like Trent knows his stuff. But I’m not sure he had the personality needed for mornings. Same goes for Jen.
Jacey should do well on mornings. I could do without Julie and Constance. I’m curious to see who replaces Jacey on weekends. I thought her and Carlos were great together. Janine filled in on Sunday and they looked good.
Calvin, Laurie and Janine are great. I’ll pass on Victor who probably should have stayed in sports.
Meanwhile, it is nice to have Danielle knox back in south Florida. Got the pleasant surprise at four on wsvn today.
Get serious. Knox has been run out of Miami twice back to the left coast. 7 will find out why. Can’t keep a job and desperate. I give her 6 months.
that bunch at channel7 in the morning did not appear to like or want danielle knox there for some reason. Guess they were two busy positiioning those false breasts and silly identical wigs they are all required to wear. Two tight dresses and just ridiculous. The weather reporters are too much. They all walk forward, want to be seen insstead of reporting the weather, they instead want to make sure those skin tight dresses are seen
Channel 7 WSVN is the trash news station with no class not professional at all. I’m so happy somebody took that mop off Lin Martinez head & kind of fix her wig. Belkeys didn’t like Ms. Knox you can see that when Criag Steven is off. I like to watch channel 10 news. I like them all we are not perfect.
I’m really sorry for all the changes Local10 is making. I kind of saw moving Kristi Krueger out of mornings in favor of Jen Herrera but losing Jason Martinez was the worst thing possible. I still don’t see him doing anything different and he’s engaged to marry Liz Garzia in fall 2014 so who knows where that will lead. I love Jacey Birch but I’m not sure I’d throw our Jen Herrera for her.
I disagree with the negative comments on Betty Davis as I consider her a consummate profession and excellent at broadcasting the weather. Same for Roland and Trent Aric. Julie Durda is the worst of the bunch and she talks too fast on her updates; what’s the point of having a nice figure if we can’t understand what you’re saying? Eric Yutsy is just too putzy.
Pablo said it best with “The philosophy at WPLG appears to be to hire green, inexperienced, cub reporters that come cheaply to staff the news department. ” So true, my man. I wish it wasn’t so…
The old folks (Kristi & Todd) have seen much better days (Eyewitness News).
Housecleaning is/was needed, once they broke-up the 2012 morning team of Jason, Kristi, Scott and Constance. Hiring Julie to replace the best meteorologist Scott Padgett was to first and worst move WPLG did in recent years. Julie’s voice is almost unbearable in the early morning. Moving Kristi aside for Jen Herrera was the next that didn’t help. Jen had no chemistry with Jason Martinez. Now, Jason wasn’t forced out like Jen has been. He was moved to afternoon reporter once he let WPLG that he’d be moving back to CA to be closer to his boys. Eric Yutzy is no replacement. Jacey is more than good replacement for the stiff Jen.
The weekend crew was great until they replaced Roland with this new super-green girl. She can’t speak on tv. Roland vamped with Niki and Todd; I don’t see her working out.
Betty is great. She isn’t the eye-candy, she is a seasoned, knowledgeable meteorologist with a good personality.
Janine was a brilliant move into the 4/430 time slot. She is the most promising anchor. I love Laurie and Calvin together.
Jen should’ve been kept around as a reporter. I actually liked her there.
To sum it up: WPLG is screwing with loyal viewers. Get rid of Eric, Julie and take a do-over on the new weather girl hire. Keep Jen Herrera as long as they haven’t publicly announced they weren’t renewing her contract.
I moved to South Florida last Spring so I didn’t know the history of the news team here. But I was impressed with the team of Jason, Jen, Julie and Constance. Yes, they are all beautiful people but that’s Miami. I was in the news business for nearly 20 years. While I can’t speak for their journalistic credentials, I would say just about all of them are pretty solid on air and I see bright things in the future for Jen, Jason, Roland and all the others who were let go. The business side of the business is ridiculous. Now that I watch news as a “civilian”, I have a renewed perspective. I would only suggest to management not to give up so quickly on your team. It takes a while for viewers, especially in the morning, to get into a routine with voices, segments and personalities. Every time you make a change, you are practically forcing me to make a change too…and turn the channel to another station.
Interesting and understand your perspective. Howerver, as a 25 year dedicated 10 morning news viewer you hate to see a station go from top, by a large margin, to cellar dwellers all due to bad hireing and fireing. The same thing happened with our beloved Dolphins after Dan Marino retired.
You just can’t watch the demise without feeling sick. Everytime you think they are going to right the ship it sinks a little further when they hire people for minimium wage. Thank god for alternative stations we now can turn to that ARE professional and competent. Welcome to SoFla. DG.
Sorry to hear this about these people being let go. The truth is though, during previous rounds of firings, lay-offs, and moves, these individuals all benefited from others being treated unjustly, and likely thought they were superior. Now, they see first hand that this is a cruel business run by people who are deficient intellectually and morally. They all paraded their personal lives out in front to viewers in so-called local 10 stories, encouraged by management, to make them more authentic to the viewers. They got played didn’t they? If you work on air in the news business you eventually get “canned” so don’t get too high on yourself. They will all be fine a year or two from now. Now, those who are thinking they are tight with management, just wait your turn…you too have a “sell by date” and I hope you will use this time to plan your recovery well.
Well, some need to have their “sell by dates” moved up a little since they get stale a lot faster and some seem to have lived wwwway beyond their “sell by” date like Jackie Nespral. I couldn’t watch 5 seconds of her if that was the only news available. That whole station is stale and expired. Unfortunately channel 10 has been getting a moldier even with the recent discards.
Congratulations, “sell by date”! You have written the most lucid and common-sense argument that I have read to date concerning the comings and goings off on-air talent. at WPLG10 It tickles me a bit to read such poorly constructed criticisms when we are privy to grammar and spell check applications these days. I will stop there or as some of you might say their, or as still others might say they’re…there is a difference folks. Suggest learning them before you submit your next resume, otherwise, don’t lose your place in the breadline.
More interesting changes at WPLG…
Steadham is clearly chief meteorologist material…. working weekend mornings was something to keep him employed. The new weathercaster was covering for Julie today and she is still very rough around the edges. My guess is she was another cheap hire.
I have talked about my dislike for Betty Davis before… I believe even before her promotion to weeknights. She’s awkward, unnatural and just plain terrible, but it looks like that’s what PLG is going for. Trent could broadcast circles around her.
Jen Herrera has been at PLG almost all of her career, and I thought she was decent (but not great) so hopefully this is just a matter of her finding something else.
I am happy for Jacey Birch. She’s got the right energy for morning news… but I think they could find a better partner for her than Yutzy.
If anything, Roland should’ve been promoted and not let go. Chief Meteorologist is the only spot he should have..
Hey: Billy Jean
Aug 28, 2014 at 8:58 AM
U look at Ch.4,6,7 they are not promoting or bringing in diversity that reflects our community.
WSVN now has Danielle Knox. There’s recent diversity.
Sorry about Jen. The handfull of times I’ve seen her, she was fine. Roland is and always has been like watching paint dry. He may have the weather smarts, but the delivery just isn’t there. That’s not to say Betty is much better. She’s SLIGHTLY more animated. Trent is and Scott and Michael were the best they have. Don’t get me started on Julie DurdaDurda Day.
Not sure what direction WPLG is trying to go, but downhill isn’t working. You can only imagine the long-timers walking into work every day wondering if they’re next.
Nice try WPLG to be a WSVN, but it just ‘ain’t’ gonna happen. Ciao Ciao (that’s the way Belky’s uses it)
This weekend weather girl HAS GOT TO GO!!!! Poor woman is so nervous! she needs more time in the minors, put her on your off channel internet or cable station for more experience. Losing Roland should make you all ashamed at WPLG… I have been a loyal viewer for over 10 years, morning, noon and night ( news junkie here lol) Send Scott Padgett away , bringing in Julia, this weekend weather person..not best moves!..Getting rid of Jason and Hurrera good moves ( both were way to biased in their reporting), and all the new hires..wow….who is doing your screening???? they should be the next to go! Giving you all 1 more month then I change the channel.
It’s unfortunate that Jen was let go. She was real and sincere. Passionate about her job. As for Roland, a little stiff and by no means compare to Betty Davis, who is brilliant and very informative. She knows her stuff. Contrary to what others say, her knowledge and presentation is an asset to Local 10.
The new addition to the weather team seems a little lost, out if her comfort zone.
Its unfortunate that two great people like Roland and Jen are no longer with WPLG. I have followed WPLG for many years going back to Ann Bishop. I’m not fond of Roland’s replacement. I guess channel 10 will loose another tv viewer.
Why are all the weather “persons” looking like Barbie dolls.? Short skirts and double DD’s and the ‘stance” ? Sex sells even in the world of weather… Ann Bishop where are you ? Not just this station sadly.
What’s wrong with short skirts and DD’s?
Besides, no one on channel 10 news has DD’s. Julie Durda might be a “C” at most.
elita loresca who used to do weather at WSVN had DDs.
I no longer watch channel 10 during the week. When they brought in Julie I stopped watching mornings and when Trent was replaced by Betty I turned to WTVJ at night. I can’t take them on the air. Julie talks like a phone sex employee and needs to cover up and Betty is just awkward and unwatchable. Neither bring any comfort or credibility to the newscasts. Thank God we haven’t had a serious tropical storm or hurricane since they moved Scott and Trent. Maybe we need a bad storm so WPLG can see exactly how bad of a mistake they made. I still watch WPLG on weekend evenings, but miss Jacey Birch on the weekend evening news. I have stop watching weekend mornings since the new girl, Jennifer started. It’s sad because I love Todd and Neki’s chemistry. She is horrible on the air. Can’t breath and sounds extremely nervous and she doesn’t seem to know what she is talking about either.
Betty and Julie will self destruct with their attitudes they bring to work.
They put on another show this week in the WPLG newsroom yelling and screaming in the new directors office.
Not the first time Betty has done this and we are sure it won’t be the last. It’s comical to us in the newsroom.
Pohovey slammed the door behind them. If only it was the front door of the building he shut on them both.
Newser, your observation is anecdotal at best…
Pot…meet kettle.
Sad to hear about Jen Herrera. She did a decent job. My wife likes Betty Davis, but I can’t stand her. Just seems so fake. Julie Durda’s getting better, can see her improvement in delivery. Plus she’s decent to look at but her outfits are just stupid sometimes. I like Jacey, she was so cute when she started with that short bob, still looks good now and does a decent job. Poor Jen Correa has been thrust into something that was over her head but she’s making steady improvement. Just wish she wouldn’t wear stupid outfits. Why Trent Aric is not chief meteorologist, I just don’t understand. In fact, they don’t actually have a chief meteorologist, do they? When I switched to ABC many years ago (shortly after Meredith Viera (who I hated) started on TODAY, channel 10 had a good crew and have had a good crew for some years, but now, well, I’m seriously thinking of switching back to NBC. Seems like management is clueless over there. They should start reading some of these forums.
Really miss Jenn, she was one of the four I could count on not to screw up. Think they moved her to 4:30 AM to see if she’ll up their numbers and when it didn’t happen she got blamed. Who the hell is stupid enough to expect numbers at 4:30 AM ? Maybe after 11 years her contract got too expensive and under new ownership they are into cost cutting… a bad sign for other old timers.
There were so many others that should have gone first. Constance, on a three day weekend, read the teleprompter where it said in Broward County’s 27,000 rescuers conducted 23,000 rescues this weekend. When she realized it didn’t make sense she re-read it and then said, yep.. 27,000 rescuers conducted 24,000 rescues. Good thing they didn’t write something dirty or she’d say that too over the air. What’s short, has chipmunk cheeks, a high squeaky voice and big fake tits ? It’s our new …………….
If you can’t figure it out… I’m gone from watching 10. Maybe the people the I like will land on another local station.
best hire is CARLOS SUAREZ….paid his dues in the field and now the weekend anchor…………..best move ch. 10 has done since you started playing musical chairs,
Jennifer Correa: talks as if she is about to run out of breath before the words come out
Glenna Milberg is the BEST.
They just get rid of people like they are garbage, and the viewers see nothing wrong with it. Sick world.
Just give me accurate news-worthy stories with professional anchors and reporters. Never cared about looks or personality. Professionalism can’t really have a personality, anyway. And why distract from the news with eye-candy. Nonsense.
I wish news heads would stop toying with peoples lives, and make the news more important than anchors/reporters.
Herrera was unprofessional at times when she anchored, and that turned me off. I remember her annoyed facial gesture once, because people weren’t as ‘tech savvy” as her then, and needed to be told how to send in things to the station via computer/cellphone. She just exuded a smug (I’m Cubana royalty ) stuckup air too, many times. On top of that, she’s no beauty which could have made up for her unattractive personality.
South Florida is plagued with toxic radical unprofessional professionals, which I think is degenerative, and unintelligent.
What happened to danielle knox on wsvn? Havent seen her on in a while
I think ch:10 can do without Betty Davis and Jacey Burch. In addition Eric and Shyann Malone can be faded out as well.
Samantha B.
I always watch Ch 10. I like Betty Davis . She always dresses like a lady. And puts the
llittle extras when giving the weather report. I also like Trent and Jacey.
The people who on the Ch 10 news look like a family and I think thats great.
But some of younger ladies should dress more professionally. They NOT going
out on the town. But in all fairness in Ch10’s fault because they are allowing it.
Who are these new people they hired? Christian De La Rosa, Madeline Wright, Luke Doris, Layton Livingston. Horrible. De La Rosa’s voice is like nails to a chalkboard and his horrible mannerisms drive me insane. Wright needs to speak up, she’s so monotone and quiet. Girl I can’t hear! And Livingston, ugh, Livingston…stop doing that ugly fade and clipper line on your head. This isn’t The First 48.
bring back Trent Eric he’s the best and deal professional I like how they coordinate their wardrobe the and dress Trent is professional no his math and the weather just like Bryan Norcross
Christian De La Rosa looks like an angry bottom. Someone give her a cocktail.
WPLG is terrible now. Betty Davis is completely horrible to watch. WTF is with the theatrics in giving the weather report. She’s standing in front of a green screen not a large computer. The nonsense of her pretending to press a button in the corner of the screen to reveal a drop down menu then press more buttons is simply insulting to anyone with any knowledge of how television news works not to mention, completely unnecessary to give a weather report. Stick to giving us the information we want and stop the damn theatrics. Or maybe the thanks she’s a magician. What’s next? Is she going to pretend to steal Laurie Jennings’ nose? She’s the worst weather person in the region with Jennifer Correa coming in a close second. Clearly Local 10 doesn’t want to compete with the attractiveness of the other local stations weather personalities. Perhaps the HR person is blind. Betty Davis could actually be part skunk ape. She’s a talentless waste of space and should be fired immediately!!!
Wow, some of these comments are downright cruel and almost get the level of bullying. Everyone has different tastes in on air talent. I can respect that, but all of these people are professionals and it is not your place to tell their employer who to hire and fire. If you do not like watching a particular anchor, reporter or meteorologist, CHANGE the channel, but publicly shaming someone is cruel and immature.
Can Andrew Perez come out already. We all know he’s gay. He keeps his bf a secret and hidden from the world. What’s the point? How does your man feel? We see him on Instagram lol.
Betty Davis is so stupid every time she comes on the air she has to say “I’m Betty Davis certified meteorologist”. What is a certified meteorologist mean….. probably nothing cause her forecasts are as bad and inaccurate as anybody else’s. Her banter with the rest of the news crew at the end of the show is just so stupid as well. Her personality is terrible And she’s nothing to look at either. Why is she on channel 10? I prefer the skinny gay guy on the weekends and the other weather guy in the afternoons.