Page2Live reports WPTV reporter Angela Sachitano was fired last week for allegedly installing a microphone on a woman and recording a conversation she had with Palm Beach detectives. The woman talked to the detectives, who weren’t aware they were being recorded, about her missing 14-year old son, a story Sachitano was working on. The site also reports that the woman in question had already been miked up by Sachitano and was being filmed from a distance for a story to air on WPTV, the mic just happened to pick up the conversation before the detectives yelled “illegal wiretapping!”.
In the state of Florida it is illegal to record someone’s voice without their consent, each party in a call or conversation must first agree to the recording.
Sachitano emailed Page2Live to clarify she wasn’t fired but quit with a resignation “more than a month in the works” and that “all content and shooting decisions are approved by [WPTV] management first”.
Ironically, two days before all this happened WPTV reporters had gone trough a seminar about the legality of video-taping people.
Angela Sachitano was also at the center of another controversy earlier this year. In a leaked YouTube video this past May congressman Allen West was seen introducing Sachitano as “someone who does our media relations” forcing WPTV to take unspecified action as per a statement from news director Jim Brogan.
Angela Sachitano joined WPTV as a reporter in 2007 from WBBH, the NBC affiliate in Ft Myers, Florida.
should have been fired back in May. This has been tagged with “Jim Brogan”. The WPTV ND is Jeff Brogan.
She was a horrible reporter. Fabricated information all the time. The last time was during the elections. Even the photog working with her had no idea where she was getting some of her “information”. This is a good thing for 5 and reporting overall!