Home Miami TV WPLG Goes Green Tonight at 8pm

WPLG Goes Green Tonight at 8pm


WPLG will be marking Earth Day by “Going Green”, their half hour special about the environmental and global warming challenges South Florida is facing.

Local10’s chief meteorologist Trent Aric will anchor the special and show viewers how pollution is affecting South Florida and offer practical advice and ideas on how people can be more mindful of the environment

“Going Green” airs tonight at 8pm.


  1. The scare mongers strike again.

    A few questions.

    I wonder how “green” their news trucks and vans are as they sit idling for hours on end with generators pumping out soot on a hot summer day? Lot of carbon there Trent ole’ boy. Check it out my friend.

    I wonder how green their TV transmitter is that emits deadly radio frequencies that melt small animals and birds that get near it?

    I wonder how green the cars are in the CH10 parking lot? I am sure everyone there rides a scooter since they are so concerned about the environment.

    Didn’t someone tell Trent that global warming is a hoax? Did someone forget to tell him that that the planet has been warming and cooling for oh, about 4 billion years now?

    Did someone forget to tell Trent that the term “global warming” has been changed to “global climate change” since there is evidence we are now entering a cooling cycle?

    The only global warming challenge South Florida is facing is the carbon dioxide coming from the mouths of the stupid people on TV news. They are the ones who are killing us!

  2. Yeah well there’s more evidence supporting it than not. Then again it must be a coincidence that chunks of ice the size of Rhode Island are breaking off from the north and south poles.

  3. Mitch,
    There are many (more than I could ever put here) but the one source you may be familair with is Dr. William Gray, the respected hurricane forecaster and professor of atmospheric science at the University of Colorado. Dr. Gray’s annual hurricane forecasts are the basis of the National Hurricane Center forecasting and planning. His work is used by governments and forecasters all over the world who live in hurricane and cyclone areas. Bottom line he is one of the world’s foremost climate experts. He is a scientist. Not a politician like Albert Gore and not a nutty environmentalist.

    Every news station in Florida report on his forecasts and have for as long as I can remember. Oddly enough local TV news dopes rely on Gray’s hurricane forecasts but they don’t listen his expertise on global warming.

    Here are some facts about global warming that I don’t think any local news people seem to be able to grasp since it goes across the grain of what others are reporting. And it’s also a bit too complicated for them.

    The earth has warmed over the past several decades.

    The earth is always in a state of cooling and warming. It has never been static. Not in 4 billion years. Florida used to be underwater and Greenland used to be green. The globe is a dynamic place.

    The is no evidence that global warming is man made. There is a THEORY that it is man made, but there is no true science. Watch Gore’s movie. There is anecdotal evidence, but not scientific evidence. And there never has been. This is why Gore will not debate the issue with real scientists.

    Those who question man made global warming are called terms like “deniers”. It insinuates that people who call man made global warming a hoax as people who deny the Holocaust (“Holocaust deniers”). These people can not debate science because they don’t what their argument is. They just know what they heard on TV. In other words they’re uninformed and some are just plain stupid.

    Dr. Gray slammed Gore as a fraud and accused his movie of “brainwashing”.

    And he said, “Global warming is increasingly driven by fear, ignorance and bad science.”

    Global warming seeks to do two things:

    1) Exact tax and control over you by charging you for the carbon dioxide you produce. Remember every time you exhale you produce carbon dioxide, a “carbon footprint”. They want to turn an essential element in our atmosphere into revenue, money. Now they seek to make you do it by making you feel guilty for living the life that you do. And many people are giving up and paying “carbon credits”. This is a voluntary tax to private companies who go out an plant a tree or something to offset it. It won’t be long before this becomes a government tax. By the way Al Gore has financial interest in a carbon credit company and profits from this. He has not changed his lifestyle one bit. He flies in private jets and owns big homes. He is a hypocrite but the TV won’t tell the story.

    2) It is a way for other nations to exact control over others. For instance many nations say the US produces too much carbon so they want to control our “carbon footprint” and our productivity. China and many others are trying to get us to sign the Kyoto Treaty which allows them to pollute since they are developing nations and exacts a heavy economic toll on the US. China is the world’s biggest polluter. They would be allowed to burn oil and coal. We would have to move into huts and ride bicycles.

    3) For extreme environmentalists, the environment is religion. It is their god. he global warming scare is a perfect way to make you feel guilty about living and allow them to exact their policies. One of their great success was stopping us from building gas refineries. Gas is moving to $4 a gallon. They also have stopped us from drilling for new oil.

    When you lose power don’t call a plumber when you need and electrician.

    When you want to know about science don’t turn on your TV news or listen to politicians. Listen to scientists who are experts in the field.

    And don’t be driven by guilt or fear. Facts are much better tools.

  4. Ben is basically right IMO. There is as at least as much out there supporting his position as there is “greenie” stuff. Bottom line: the earth was here long before mankind and it will still be here long after.

    And what’s with the green logo bugs that every station’s got now? Everybody’s jumping on that bandwagon because it’s the “in thing” to do, _not_ because they are environmentally concious.

    As far as the hybrids go, what do you think happens to those big battery packs in them when they die?

  5. In 2006, Dr. Gray predicted a cooling trend by 2009-2010. In 2008, Gray changed the prediction to “within ten years”.

    And in ten years he’ll probably change it to twenty. Every generation you always encounter people who mistake truth for conspiracy. Who are fearful of change.
    Playing devil’s advocate…let’s just say the whole global warming thing turns out to be wrong. So what’s the worst that has happened? We’ve made the environment a little healthier.

    Ben’s “facts” are wrong:

    Ben = Al Gore “has not changed his lifestyle one bit. He flies in private jets and owns big homes. He is a hypocrite but the TV won’t tell the story.”

    Fact= According to The Detroit Free Press, “Gore purchased 108 blocks of ‘green power’ for each of the past three months, according to a summary of the bills. That’s a total of $432 a month Gore paid extra for solar or other renewable energy sources.The green power Gore purchased is equivalent to recycling 2.48 million aluminum cans or 286,092 pounds of newspaper.

    Fact= According to WKRN-TV, the Gore family obtains their power from the Nashville Electric Service’s “renewable energy initiative”, The Green Power Switch program.

    But this is one of those issues, like religion and politics, where there’s no trying to convince someone. You’re either on one side of the other. I just hope Ben doesn’t reproduce.

  6. Hey Loco Ben,
    You stand up against the enviro wackos and they always come back with pap.

    You obviously worship where Albert does. What you failed to mention is why Al made the renovations to his 10,000 square foot mansion that uses 16 times the amount of electricity that the average person in Tennessee uses.

    From TV station KSL

    “In February 2007, Gore was criticized for using an average of 16,000 kilowatt hours a month for an average monthly bill of $1,206 in 2006. The typical Nashville home uses about 1,300 kilowatt hours a month.

    Gore has said the criticism was unfair because the 10,000-square-foot mansion was undergoing extensive remodeling. He said this week that “global warming denier” groups were trying to discredit him because they don’t like the attention he has given to climate change.”

    Notice the term Gore uses, “global warming denier”. It is a common term used to discredit anyone who opposes the farce of man made global warming. Didn’t someone on this blog use the same term? Funny how that works.

    Now, be rational here. Answer this question please. If Al Gore believes the end is near like he predicted in his movie, why wouldn’t he say move into perhaps a 1,800 square foot home? Or maybe 2,500 square? That’s not small. Wouldn’t that use less energy? Wouldn’t he save even more if he did all this renovation to a more modest home?

    Answer. Yes it would. But (elites)people like Al have convinced you and others to do the sacrificing. Al is just going to buy $ his way out of sacrificing anything. You and I will pay the real price because we won’t be able to buy our way out of it the way he can. His lifestyle hasn’t changed a bit.

    Be rational again. If the end is near, what good are carbon credits? If China and other developing nations are burning oil and coal at record rates, what difference will it make if you buy a carbon credit or a Prius?

    Answer. It will make no difference. Maybe it will make you feel good and feel superior, but it will make no difference.

    One more question. Prove to me, show me where the science that proves carbon dioxide causes global warming. That is the center of this debate. Don’t show me news articles from know nothing journalists. Show me the science.

    You can’t because it doesn’t exist. Man made global warming is a THEORY.

    You have to be an absolute moron not to know or understand what a miracle oil is and how much it has improved the standard of living and mortality rates for people all over the world. Everything we do, everything you touch is made possible by oil. From medicine to transportation to everything you can imagine in your life involves oil in one way or another. The demonization of is based on ignorance.

    Do we need to develop alternatives? Yes.

    Do we need to stop making our enemies wealthy? Yes.

    Those are separate issues from the hoax known as man made global warming.

    As far as Dr.Gray is concerned, predicting climate change is not an exact science. It can’t be done. We can’t even accurately predict weather for the next week in South Florida, much less the global climate.

    But according to you Al Gore can because he just spent a wad on his mansion.

    Why didn’t you address his private jet usage? One coast to coast flight burns as much fuel as some of may use in our cars in a year.

    Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy.

    Unfortunately, people like you have reproduced and they have embraced this hoax as fact.

  7. Loco Be,
    And if you want to improve the environment in South Florida, go out and pick up trash off the streets of Miami. Trash that flushes out into the canals and the bay. Go out and start removing non-indigenous plants and stop using pesticides that wash into our environment.

    You could call your congressman and demand a halt to sugar tax subsides for companies that are destroying the Everglades while we taxpayers are spending 30 billion to repair the damage they caused.

    But wait, that would have you actually doing something constructive.


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