Home Miami TV Truck Nuts on NBC6

Truck Nuts on NBC6


Last night on NBC6 at 6pm Ari Odzer was reporting on a story about South Florida separating from the state.

The story included Margate Mayor Pam Donovan’s outrage at the legislature spending two hours on whether truck nuts should be illegal. Then at the end Ari tossed back to Tony Segreto and Jackie Nespral saying they’ll explain what truck nuts are.

It kind of surprised me, the sound of “truck nuts” on a 6pm newscast just has a strange ring to it. Tony and Jackie trying to wiggle their way out having to explain was entertaining though

Here’s the video


  1. Ari has always been a “ballsy” reporter.

    I have seen those on the road and you always wonder what is wrong with the person who would put those on a car, much less buy them. You really have to be a loser.

    But I am not sure it warrants the legislature wasting time on this. I think Florida has bigger issues right now.

  2. Frankie, I agree with you, they do have a lot more better things to be paying attention to, especially Property Taxes, (Wow, I’m 15, and this is what I’m thinking about… taxes) but, in reality, they are very obscene and vulgar. The legislature should pass a law, once all the hassle is over.


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