I don’t know if it’s a Comcast thing or a fluke but WSVN-DT’s bandwith has been increased from 14Mbps to 17Mbps which has greatly reduced the blurring and blocking artifacts on 7’s fast zooming graphics
WFOR-DT also has been bumped from 19Mbps to 38.8Mbps I can’t tell if there’s any difference but I know they badly need more resolution because it is making the anchors look like they are cartoons when they’re shown from a distance
I can’t resist this–aren’t most anchors cartoons anyway?
I’m sorry…but maybe for fun someday we could do a thread where we matchup the local news personaolity with their corresponding cartoon character. Jackie Nespral might be Veronica from Archie, etc. Oh well, time for more meds.