Sports Xtra has a new set, new to me anyway and it looks like it’s virtual not hard set. They probably ran out of room or are building something. Or got tired of building sets for 2 years and slapped something up in Photoshop 😀
Sports Xtra has a new set, new to me anyway and it looks like it’s virtual not hard set. They probably ran out of room or are building something. Or got tired of building sets for 2 years and slapped something up in Photoshop 😀
Its all green! They take us for fools! XD
That set has been up for a while now. Not sure when it got started, but it’s been there for a while. Admin, it is all virtual, you can notice whenever someone turns their face, you notice a slight shade of green on their face, even sometimes on their clothing. 😉 The new Green Screen set is located right next to the Weather Station where they have the computer and the whole kit and cabootle.
and if the green is too much the person becomes see-thru 😀
makes sense they’d go with virtual set for sports xtra since the show is aired once a week and the old set wasn’t so sexy to begin with
They are probably binding a new set were the old one was at….does anyone know?
I may be incorrect on this, but they may be building a new set for the news for the next Sweeps that they have. I may be incorrect, but thats what I am thinking. I mean, why would they just remove that set?
I hope they are brandon! Those gaudy 7 logos on the second floor are awful looking.
I’m surprised that, with how valuable the real estate is where 7 is on North Bay Village, coupled with the news about Circuit City closing stores…why not just move 7 News to a soon to be empty appliance store? That’s what 7’s sets usually look like anyway!
LoL ccc229