Home Miami TV Religious gestapo gets a wedgy about David

Religious gestapo gets a wedgy about David


Oh the whining that’s ensued about this latest NBC shtick. The religious freaks are all over this complaining the new NBC series The Book Of David, airing on some NBC affiliates on Friday, is a mockery of whatever The Book of David is about.

So as expected with anything they don’t like and disagree with, they turned their high-pitched whining on and some NBC stations got scared because 3 people called them and complained.

In the old times the Church burned books, and people just to make it more fun I guess (and how christian of them) when it disagreed with what’s being said. Today, in 2006, the religious militants censor TV stations and demand things not be aired because they disagree with what’s being said.

Completely forgetting about the “internets” and that thing called “torrents” which is near impossible to censor and where David and his books are gona show up about 30 minutes after they air. And where a lot of people who felt censored would go to see The Book of David, thus making the religious freaks’ whining tottaly useless and obsolete.

When I think about it, all of this censoring what I can and can’t see is starting look like my country pre-1989 when the commies wouldn’t let us watch this or that because they didn’t like it or they thought it was immoral. Or at least they thought we didn’t watch it.

Meanwhile a closet fag who’s also an anti-gay/gambling/lotto/bad morals Southern Baptist Convetion leader gets cought on Oklahoma City streets looking for a penis to play with.

DailyNews – Jesus makes quite an interesting companion in ‘Book of Daniel’
Axcess News – NBC stations refusing to air “Book of Daniel Show”
ABC News – Two Stations Won’t Air ‘Book of Daniel’


  1. Pal why don’t you stop your whining and buy an NBC affiliate if you are so unhappy? Then you could air this show and all the Bill Clinton specials your heart desired. Get a grip buddy.

  2. Words to live by for all you Jesus freaks

    1 Peter 2:18
    18Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.

    Ephesians 6:5
    Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.

  3. Apparently now the American Family Association has posted it on their website and is asking people to call their local NBC affiliates and to e-mail NBC chair Bob Wright. I’ve watched the show; there really isn’t a reason to get all upset!

  4. The only problem with the Book Of David is that the silent majoity will not stand up and say..It is refreshing and funny. If we can’t have ministers and preist be human then what do they want to be????Would they like to be on a high pedistal so they can reach heaven though their title rather than with the rest of us mear servants of God…LOL…
    Seriously have they forgotten Tammy Faye and her gnome of a husband. Chill I think that God wrote this show and he and Jesus are laughing their blank off…
    Love and PEace

  5. I think everybody should take a deep breath and look around them! What is happening on the show “The book of David” is what is happening in real life! I think people need to rethink this and think about the here and now. Everthing that is happening on this show is happening today! Wether we like it or not it is happening and we can’t run and hide from it. So why not leave it alone! They have taken every other good religious show off so why not leave this one that speak’s the truth!! God’s Peace and blessing’s to ALL!!


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