Home Videos The Storm Station Promo

The Storm Station Promo


7 have gone back to the bad ass promos. This one either debuted on Sunday during the 5pm newscast, or it’s just new to me. Whoever does the graphics now 7 are coming up with some pretty interesting concepts.

There’s also another promo for Phil Ferro and the rest of the weather team that’s not as swooshy as this one, it looks more like the Phil Ferro promo that had no voice over on dark background.

So what do you think – hot or not? I vote hot, when it came on it made me turn and look at the TV just as I was looking to change channels. Cool stuff


  1. That is a cool promo. Admin, thanks for posting–and I mean that–but I really miss having the stuff up in quicktime. As an editor, I loved being able to go through frame by frame, even at a lower frame rate to see how things were assembled. I know that doesn’t apply to everyone, but it’s just my $0.02.

  2. you mean .mpg files (MPEG-1), I had to switch because MPEG-1 makes bigger files which = more bandwith and because the files got hotlinked a lot

    Flash is cross-platform it plays on Windows, Mac and Linux and with some of you at work not everyone can download codex or have to deal with disabled media players.

  3. I agree with Belkys part. SHow was the only bad thing about the promo. Otherwise, I love it. Welcome back 7. THey are showing us what were are used to seeing from them. Wicked man.


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