1. Ok, so tell me how awesome Pipeline is! OMG I love it!

    Looks like about a 10 to 15 sec delay though? Correct me if I’m wrong…

  2. the delay is normal because it goes from the station to CNN via satellite then it gets recompressed send to the server, pushed to the web and you watch it.

    The raw feeds are nifty. WPLG seems to be having hickups they keep rewinding their tapes and the signal keeps dissapearing

    Im addicted to pipeline, can’t stop jumping feeds 😀

  3. My oh My, CNN’s pipeline really Rocks!, i haven’t seen anything like it, i just bought it and i’m already stuck w/ CNN International, i recomend it to anyone who likes watching news or anything CNN presents, too bad i didn’t get the pipeline on Monday when it launched.

  4. OK, Laura, CNN’s pipeline is so awesome you can see reporters doing their stories on air, right now 9:27pm i’m watching Adam Williams (SVN) doing his report and saying he’s tire and has a backadache, you can also check live stream from one of the Metro Cams overlooking MIA but w/ WFOR titles to the upper right-hand corner of the screen, plus so much more, i wish news breaks averyday @ MIA so we could see how some reporters act when not in live tv.

  5. Frank’s absolutely right! I saw Adam too and he did say something like “I’m tired and my back is killing me” and I think I heard him whisper “sh*t” after that. If you like these wild feeds you should definitely get Pipeline. But I wish they had more feeds available (that would be awesome). You can really see a reporter’s true personality with this thing.

  6. No, no, I already got it 🙂 … I just wondered if you could only get the 4 feeds at the bottom, or there was a way to find other ones.

    I can’t believe I missed Adam saying that! LOL Guess I’ll have to pay more attention!

  7. So, if someone can please clear it up for me. Pipeline has direct feeds from CBS4 and WSVN? And they can be accessed any time? How does this work, because if thats the case, i’m buyin it for a year.

  8. i can’t believe adam would say s**t in front of a camera, or any time, for that matter. He’s such a nice guy 🙂

  9. Are you serious Scoot, what are you a fuckin’ scout? Get your head outta yer asssss and realize tv is a make believe world.


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