Home Miami TV Arleen Rodriquez dropped from WPLG

Arleen Rodriquez dropped from WPLG


WPLG has chosen not to renew the contract of Arleen Rodriguez and she has left the station. The rumor is that she got into a very ugly argument with Key West cops during the coverage of hurricane Dennis.

Arleen also worked at WSVN before she left and joined WPLG.


  1. TRUE, Rodriguez was not renewed.
    big wigs at station told her: her style was too much like channel 7.

    BUT FALSE — it had nothing to do with cops in Key West.

    station management told her about contract back in November, not recently. they urged her to keep quiet and she agreed.

    because it was so hush hush and said reporter never threw a tantrum …coworkers did not find out until AFTER she had cleared her desk and left.

    btw, TRUE, their was an argument w/a cop in the keys…but that officer reportedly got in trouble with his chief, not vice-versa.

    and oh yeah, insiders say the real reason for non-renewal is b/c the station is killing the 5pm show. expect more people, ie, 5:30pm anchors, producers, reporters, etc. to be fired in teh coming months.

  2. arlene’s a good reporter. i will miss her. and i doubt the thing in the keys. that girl has a bunch of family members in law enforcement and isn’t her husband with the feds?

    also, i hear wplg will not be renewing many contracts as they come up. the trend is to hire freelancers or trainees.

  3. Belkys Nerey was once told by her assistant news director (who is now a news director and vice-president of news) that she would never work on tv because of her voice.
    ummm, anyone check on what Nerey is doing latelY?
    enough said.

  4. Belkys just got lucky. Her voice too is annoying as hell, so damn nasal. I hope they send Belkys packing too. One of the worse decisions WSVN has ever made.

  5. that post about 10 not renewing is crap.. they keep adding reporters..

    Julie Summers, Elena Echarri, Janine Stanwood, Yvonne Nava, Anjannete Flowers.

    All these people are new and they are all the same … BORING and sooo lame. They are not newschasers. They just read what they are given. They do not dig and work their stories.

  6. channel 10 has hired new faces but pay attention. they were all hired as freelancers or are on short 7-month contracts. some are trainees hired for cheap. at least one is an older woman desperate and willing to work practically for free. in other words, all are disposable when the station gets rid of 5pm show.

  7. Ms. Rodriguez will be missed; her voice was sexy and rare. Ms. Rodriguez is a beautiful young lady with great potential. Good luck .,., hope to see you on the air soon,.,,.and in response to the the first responder., referring to her completely annoying voice.,.,please use spell check.,., it just proves your level of education.,,


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