1. they are just giving her stuff to think about as she considers her contract.. and considers other opportunities around the country.

    7 doesnt want to lose her… so she is playing the searching game.. and good for her.

  2. Why isn’t she the main anchor, Their current duo is so off balanced, it’s pathetic. I think everyone knows what I’m talking about here.

  3. wait. 7 doesnt want to lose her. But it gives her stuff to think about while she considers her contract. That doesn’t make sense to me. If 7 really didn’t want to lose her they would have her signed and locked by now. Of course what the fuck do I know about this I just have a blog so I could be wrong.

    DDfan37: off balanced how? Elaborate please.

  4. DDfan37 means Belkys and Craig are not the best pair. I agree – I like Belkys but I don’t think that’s the right position for her.

  5. I totally agree that Belkys and Craig are not the best pair. Lynn should be the main anchor. Do the people at 7 even notice this???? Maybe we as viewers should let the executives at 7 know.

  6. it seems majority of viewers disagree as they keep watching. But then again, 7 isn’t a personality driven station for the most part.

    She’s not Walter Chroncite, for a lack of better comparison, but then that’s why there’s Craig “Mr. Serious” Stevens to keep her on her seat and balance things out.

    I enjoy the jabs she takes at some stories.

    From what I’ve observed at competing stations, their anchors too have gone from staring at the prompter and reading to discuss some of the odder stories sometimes that air, often trying tooooo hard that it just becomes awkward and unfunny and looks very … unspontaneous.

    TV news are changing, 7 doesn’t exactly stay ahead of the trend – ie doing more web etc, but they are certainly differenting themselves to stand out from the pack

  7. Justing you certainly can voice your opinion, just don’t expect anything 🙂
    They won’t change what works for them unless the ratings numbers start to head south

  8. I agree. Lynn should have been named main anchor. I thought it was a no-brainer. Guess I was wrong. Belkys was perfect for Deco. And Craig is a perfect 5:30 anchor. But the pair shouldn’t be the main team, in my opinion.

  9. I think Lynn is lovely. a great anchor and deserves the main spot. What is Channel 7 thinking already? I agree with Mike, Lynn should be the lead female anchor, not Belkys

  10. I thought I was the only person who thought Belkys is out of place. Her voice and her presence is more suited for entertainment. When Laurie Jennings left, they should have tries 1. to keep Beatrice Canals and 2. Promote Lynn. Two big oops in short time. Belkys can be fun. SOmetimes I watch her with her little puns and limericks, which can be fun, but out of place on the evening news. Criags is ok. I know sometimes he must me like ‘get this girl from beside me.’ People, one of the most umentioned but one of the best In SOuth Florida is Mr. Tom Haynes. They guy has skills. SHarron Melton, I love her. I enjoy sitting down and listening to her. But Belkys, no way. I still watch because I am loyal to 7. Thats why most people watch. I like her spirit though.

  11. A few years ago we had a “Parent to Parent” segment up here on 7 News Boston but it was quickly dropped. It was hosted by Katy Abel, a former 7 News reporter who went on to produce, funnily enough, parenting programming for HGTV.

  12. When Lynn and Belkys teamed together on Deco they would fight and it took away from the spirit of the program. I enjoyed Belkys on Deco though .. I think she would pair nicely with Louie Aguirre. He gets along with eveybody and Lyn adn Louie make a great pair. I have to agree Lynn should be main anchor.. she is poised and well spoken no matter what the news is. I think Craig and Charles Belli would team up well. Diana Diaz and Lynn make a good team also. I stil miss the blond guy that ended up on Channel 4 he was the best.. really .. never forget that special he did on his disabled dad… they should bring him back… his reporting was awesome. They really lost someone when they let him go.


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